Types and Patterns of Innovation
11 important questions on Types and Patterns of Innovation
What is the difference between product innovation and process innovation?
Why do product- and process innovations often occur in tandem?
- New products may enable the development of new processes
- A product innovation for one firm may simultaneously be a process innovation for another
What is the difference between radical and incremental innovations?
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What are the differences between competence-enhancing innovation and comptence-destroying innovation?
What is the difference between architectural innovation and component innovation?
An innovation is considered a component innovation (or modular innovation) if it entails changes to one or more components, but does not significantly affect the overall configuration of the system. In contrast, an architectural innovation entails changing the overall design of the system or the way that components interact with each other.
What is an discontinuous technology?
Technologies do not always get the opportunity to reach their limits; they may be rendered obsolete by new, discontinuous technologies. A new innovation is discontinuous when it fulfills a similar market need, but does so by building on an entirely new knowledge base.
What is shown in the meaning of the s-curve in technological improvement?
What is the meaning of a discontinuous technology?
What does an s-curve in technology diffusion mean?
S-curves in technology diffusion are obtained by plotting the cumulative number of adopters of the technology against time. This yields an s-shape curve because adoption is initially slow when an unfamiliar technology is introduced to the market; it accelerates as the technology becomes better understood and utilized by the mass market, and eventually the market is saturated so the rate of new adoptions declines.
For what kind of purposes is a s-curve usefull for a manager?
They could use these curves to assess whether a technology appears to be approaching its limits or to identify new technologies that might be emerging on s-curves that will intersect the firm’s technology s-curve. Managers could then switch s-curves by acquiring or developing the new technology. However, as a
prescriptive tool, the s-curve model has several serious limitations.
What are the sections a s-curve consists of?
- Rapid improvement
- Diminishing returns
- Ultimately replacement by new technologies
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