Going Global: Where and How?

8 important questions on Going Global: Where and How?

What is the Cage distance Framework?

A decision framework based on the relative distance between home and foreign target country along four dimensions

-Pankaj Ghemawat

What are the 4 Dimensions of the Cage Distance Framework?

o Cultural Distance
o Administrative and political Distance
o Geographic Distance
o Economic Distance

CAGE: Cultural Distance

The cultural disparity between the internationally expanding firm's hime country and its targeted host country.

! Greater cultural distance increases liability of foreignness !
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CAGE: Administrative and political Distance

They are captured in factors such as the absence/presence of...
- Shared monetary/political associations
- Political Hostilities
- Weak/strong legal and financial institutions

CAGE: Geographic Distance

Determined by:
- Country's infrastructure (road, power, telecommunication networks,...)

Relevant when trading products with low value-to-weight ratios.
(ex. steel, cement, fragile and perishable products such as glass, meat, fruits)The costs to cross-border trade rise with geographic distance.

CAGE: Economic Distance

Determined by:
- Wealth
- Per capita income of consumers

Wealthy countries-- engage in more cross-border trade
Rich countries trade with other rich countries
Poor countries trade more with rich countries

How do MNEs Enter Foreign markets

Explain framework

What are Greenfield Operations?

Building new, fully owned plants and facilities from scratch.

(Preferred by MNEs)

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