What is Corporate Strategy?

5 important questions on What is Corporate Strategy?

What are the 2 Generic Business Strategies firms can apply in quest for a competitive advantage?

1) Increase Differentiation & Containing Costs
2) Lower Costs & Maintain Differentiation

What are the different reasons why firms need to grow?

1.Increase profits: allows businesses to provide a higher return to their shareholders. (stock prices increase)
2. Lower Costs: economies of scale
3.Increase market power: gaining bargain power with suppliers and buyers
4.Reduce risk: diversify their products and service portfolio through competing in a number of different industries
5.Motivate managers: managers may be more interested in pursuing their own interests instead of shareholder value

What are Core Competencies?

Unique strengths embedded deep within a firm.
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What are Economies of Scope?

The savings that come from producing two/more outputs at less cost than producing each individually though using the same resources and technology.

What are the 3 Dimensions of Corporate Strategy?

1) Vertical Integration - In what stages of the industry value chain should the company participate?
2) Diversification - What range of products and services should the company offer?
3) Geographic Scope - Where should the company compete in terms of regional, national, or international markets

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