Innovation and the Industry Life Cycle

18 important questions on Innovation and the Industry Life Cycle

What is the Industry Life Cycle?

Five distinct stages which show how an industry evolves over time.

Industry Life Cycle: What is the Introduction Stage?

ØAttraction of new customers
ØProduction of small quantities (market size is small)
ØInnovators my encounter first-mover disadvantages
ØGain market acceptance and seed future growth
Ø  Network effects

What are Network Effects?

The positive effect that one user of a product or service has on the value of that product for other users
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Industry Life Cycle: What is the Growth Stage?

ØInnovation gained some market acceptance
Ø  The demand increases as a standard for the market is implemented (can be top-down or bottom-up)
ØPrices fall rapidly since companies get more efficient (=economies of scale)
ØProduct Innovation
ØProcess Innovation

What is a Standard?

An agreed-upon solution about a common set of engineering features and design choices.

What is Product Innovation?

New or recombined knowledge embodied in new products.
Examples: Electric vehicle, Wearable computers

What is Process Innovation?

New ways to produce existing products or deliver existing services.

Industry Life Cycle: What is the key objective for firms during the Growth Phase?

Stake out a strong strategic position

Industry Life Cycle: What is the Shakeout Stage?

ØGrowth declines (=firms start competing for market share)
ØWeaker firms are forced out of the industry
ØFirms start to cut prices and offer more services
ØImportance of process innovation (to drive costs down)

Industry Life Cycle: What is the Maturity Stage?

ØIndustry structure morphs into(slowly becomes) an oligopoly
ØDemand consists of replacement or repeat purchases
ØMarket has reached its maximum size
ØFirms attempt to lower costs as much as possible

Industry Life Cycle: What is the Decline Stage?

ØChanges in external environment change the industry from Maturity to Decline stage (PESTEL)
ØDemand falls rapidly
ØInnovation process on both process and product stops
ØManagers have 4 strategic options

Industry Life Cycle: What are the 4 Strategic options of managers in the Decline Stage?

Exit (bankrupty/liquidation)
Harvest (oogst) reduce investments, only allocate a min of resources
Maintain (support marketing efforts)
Consolidate (versterken) Buying rivals to have a stronger position

What is the Crossing-the-chasm Framework?

A conceptual model that shows how each stage of the industry life cycle is dominated by a different customer group.

Customer Groups: Technological Enthusiasts

o Seek out new products before officially introduced on the market.

oSmallest segments (2.5%)
oOften have an engineering mind-set and pursue new technology

Customer Groups: Early Adopters

oRoughly 13.5%
o  Demand is driven by their imagination and creativity rather than by technology.
oEager to buy early into a new technology/product concept

Customer Groups: Early Majority

o   Entering in the Shakeout Stage.
oStrong sense of practicality
o   Cost vs Benefits
oLike to observe how early users handle the new technology
Seeking review in magazines etc.

(They are aware that hypes fade away so rather wait and see how things turn out)

Customer Groups: The Late Majority

oEntering in the Maturity stage
oMaking up around 34%
o  Demand comes from Early and Late majority

Customer Groups: Laggards

oEntering in the declining stage
oCustomers who only adapt new technology if absolutely necessary
oGenerally, do not want new technology

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