Cost-Leadership Strategy: Understanding Cost-Drivers

9 important questions on Cost-Leadership Strategy: Understanding Cost-Drivers

What is a Cost Leader?

Someone who focuses its attention and resources on reducing the manufacturing costs of a product in order to offer lower prices to its customers.

Which Cost Drivers can managers manipulate to keep the costs low?

- Cost of input factors
- Economies of Scale
- Learning-curve effects
- Experience-curve effects

What are Economies of Scale?

Decreases in (fixed) cost/unit as output increases
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What is 'Minimum Efficient Scale'? (MES)

Output range needed to bring down cost per unit as much as possible, to stake out the lowest-cost position that is achievable through economies of scale

What are Diseconomies of Scale?

Increases in cost as output increases.
As firms get too big, the complexity of managing and coordinating raises the cost.

What does Economies of Scale allow firms?

- Spread the total fixed costs
(=Reduce fixed cost/unit)
- Use specialised systems and equipment

How do Learning Effects differ from Economies of Scale?

- Differences in Timing

- Differences in Complexity

Learning Effects VS Economies of Scale: Differences in Timing

Learning Effects:
- occur over time as output accumulates
- captured at one point in time when output increases

Learning Effects VS Economies of Scale: Differences in Complexity

In some production processes, effects from economies of scale can be quite significant, while learning effects are minimal. In contrast, in some professions, learning effects can be substantial, while economies of scale are minimal.

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