Business strategy: The concept and trends in its management - What is a business strategy?

19 important questions on Business strategy: The concept and trends in its management - What is a business strategy?

What is a segmentation strategy?

The process of dividing the market into subgroups of similar customers.

Name one example of an segmentation strategy

Market--) Cars,
Market segmentation: Families, Singles.
Market segment Families-Flexible, safety, Singles- Young, style, more disposable income).
Target market:Families or Singles.

What is the criteria to select a business strategy?

1. Is the return on investment (ROI) attractive?
2. Is the strategy feasible?
3. Will the strategy fit with the other strategies of the firm?
4.Is there a Sustainable compatible advantage?
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What is the SCA(sustainable competititve advantage?

A company needs a competitive advantage to protect them from going bankrupt(recession), It prevents competitors to take the advantage of a company.

Name three examples of a SCA

1. PAtent (to protect the brand
2. Monopoly- Free to set their own prices
3. Switching- Not handy, difficult (windows- apple)

What are the trends in strategies?

External market orientation
Pro-active strategies
Knowledge management

Why strategic management?

Precipate(neerslaan) the consideration of strategic choices
Force a long range view
Help a business cope with change
Provide both horizontal and vertical communication systems

What is a pro-active company?

Forward thinking strategy planning

What is a reactive company?

Deal with problems as they arise, approach opportunities as they arise

What are strategic uncertainties?

What will be the sales profile of hybrids in the upcoming years?
How many will be sold?
What will be the direct competitors?
What will be the future deman?

 What is the customer as an active partner?

- Encourage active dialogue
-Current, potential competitors

What is a competitor analyis?

Identifying current/potential competitors

What is the checklist for a SWOT?


How can you obtain information on competitors?

Company website
Search engines on the internet
Telephone survey

What makes a  competitor vulnerable?

-Marketing factors-low market share
-Financial factors: High cost
- Product/market factors: slow/poor growth
-Managerial factors, inflexibility, loosing touch with customers

E-Business and high profitability ? What is the key?

The key is product differentiation,
For example google to dominate the web search

What is it when we talk about the boiled frog?

Dramatically changing environment

What are the three ways to react on a dramatically changing environment?

To ignore what is happening
To respond quickly or slowly but reactively
To try to predict the nature of the changes and then manage them proactively.

What is the PESTLE/DESTEP?

S-Social cultural

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