System innovations and social transitions - Strategic Management perspective
5 important questions on System innovations and social transitions - Strategic Management perspective
Transition management: A visioning approach to societal transformation what is meant
- Inspires to overcome purely incremental and adaptive approaches to change
- Paradox ; 'societal change is too complex to handle in terms of management but it is possible to formulate
relatively simple rules how to influence societal change
- Inspired by theories of complex systems thinking
Not only the state of a system changes, but also the 'landscape'-
i.e. the potential for change - window of opportunit figure; line goes down
Tipping points and windows of opportunity
- From clear to turbid water
- AL gore on the scene
- High oil prices
- Higher grades + faster learning
- Never study anything twice
- 100% sure, 100% understanding
Back to transition management definition and characteristics
- Transition management is about changing the potential for change- affecting attractors
- Vision building and backcasting are important methodological devices
- Within multi-stakeholder Transition Arenas
- So a bit like the Rondeel design process - but generally at a larger scale
Some principles and methodological starting points
- Long-term thinking: visioning, forecasting, backcasting
- Systems thinking (multi-domain, multi-actor, multi-level)
- Flexibility in objectives and process
- Timing: making use of crisis situations
- Selective participation in 'transition arenas'
- Bringing in (relative) 'outsiders'
- Transition experiments
The question on the page originate from the summary of the following study material:
- A unique study and practice tool
- Never study anything twice again
- Get the grades you hope for
- 100% sure, 100% understanding
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