Intellectual property and Innovation strategy - Evaluations

9 important questions on Intellectual property and Innovation strategy - Evaluations

Having an IP portfolio evaluations will follow

- Identify most important products/technologies e.g. '' Soap'' and '' Cosmetics
- Identify most important BU's e.g. ''consumer'' and B2B

- Identify invention generation potential ''small'', ''medium'', and ''large''

- Determine target per BU e.g. consumer 2 and B2B: 4 

Inventions, technology competence domains


- Technology relevant for one or more BU (define what is in common and what is not)

- Rank technology competence domains (prioritize, input parameters)

  Speed of developement (slow-fast)
  Potnetial business volume (M$) e.g. 2M$ and 10 M$(cosmetics)
  Ip value (scope of claims)

  Relative technology position (following-leading) e.g. leading (soap), following (cosmetics) 
  Patent position (many-few) e.g. few (soap) and many (cosmetics)


Normalize (%) and multiply with target total per domain

Fillings (definitions) competitive impact of Technology

- our definition of Technology: We know how to ... (thus broader than technological solutions)

What is Pacing

The potential to change the basis of tecnology competition, have not yet been embodied in product or process, potential to develop into key technologies, the technologies in this quadrant that have the longest time-to-market (very left side of the grid) are dubbed Embryonic

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What is Key in the competitive impact of Technology?

Embodied in products and processes, differentiated in leading companies 

Technologies most critical to competitive succes, offering the opportunity for process or product differentiation, these technologies yield competitive advantage

What is Base in competitive impact of Technology?

Necessary and essential technology to have ato practice well, but little potential for competitive advantage, wide spread and shared, practiced by all competitors

What is Dominant/Strong in technology competitive position


Powerful technological leader, high commitment in funds, manpower and creativity, sets pace and directions for technological development, owning a patent portfolio that can not be circumvented by competitors, strong position for setting standard. 

What is Favorable in technological competitive position?


- Not technologically leading but able to sustain technological competitiveness, has good enough technological basis that can be exploited to improve technological competitive position, interesting patent portfolio, but basic patents are not included.  Lince income are very limited, cross license agreements desired, follwower in standards

What is tenable/weak in technological competivite position?

Enable to set independent course, short-term focus, in a catch up mode, can maintain competitiveness, but unable to differentiate from competitors, no or weak patent portfolio, hasto license in to stay business

Geography where to file? What factors?

- Market

- Own production facilities

- End users

- Competitor production facilities

-Consumer markets

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