Intellectual property and Innovation strategy - Introduction

3 important questions on Intellectual property and Innovation strategy - Introduction

Investors/companies by a company primarily becaus of the Ip (assets) in a releveant business scope why and why not?

- Not because of the factories

- Not because of the number of employees

But (in view of the business)

- Know-how in relevant gechnical domains (e.g. identification, automotive)
- Access to markets and market share
- Several solid business opportunities/businesses

- Patents (e.g. some 15000)

- Trademarks, copyrights, tradenames, design model, utility model, breeders rights

What are patents an important source of information on?

- Technology development

- Activities of competitors

- Freedom to operate

How can you define an invention in intellectual property, what forms exist?

- When legally protected; intellectual property

- when codified; intellectual assets

- Intellectual Capital


Covered? not covered

Tangible/ Intangible

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