Intellectual property and Innovation strategy - Requirements and procedures

4 important questions on Intellectual property and Innovation strategy - Requirements and procedures

What are the three requirements/procedures for patents

- Novelty; not publicly known

- Inventive step; Not obvious to the skilled person, technical solution for a technical problem

- Industrial applicability; technical idea product/method

Patents are national rights consider strategy of filings;

- Markets

- Competitors

- Product facilities

- Allocate budget

Process IP Management, time process/ amount #

- Invention created

- Decision to file

- Decision proceed National Phases

- Dec. Maintain

- Dec. Maintain


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National Right: Patent (IPR) as a tool



- Do not allow (block) competitors, differentiatior

- Sue infringers

- Grant license; obtain royalties

- Image (innovative); externally and internally (KPI)

- Explore the world

- Creative process



- Freedom to operate

- Protect products; protect knowledge

- Avoiding legal problems; if sued start counter-claim (exchange money)



- Royalties/licensing/cross-licensing ->Stock value

- Intangible asset: financing

- Fiscal aspects

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