Articles - Systemic instruments for systemic innovation problems
20 important questions on Articles - Systemic instruments for systemic innovation problems
Systemic policy instruments Hekkert and
Are a means to stimulate and improve sustainability oriented technological innovation on a whole system scale.
Systemic weaknesses or failures hekkert and Wieczorek
Influence the speed and direction of innovation problems
Narrow and broad elements of innovation systems hekkert and W
- Narrow definitions includes organisations and institutions that involved in search and exploring (f.e. R&D
- Broad definition comprises all the parts and aspects of an economic structure and the institutional set up
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What is the structural and functional analysis of a system H&W
structural: based on mapping its elements and evaluating their capacity to stimulate rather than on comparing different systems
functional: highlights the processes that are important for a good performance of technological innovation systems. These processes are functions (knowledge development, entrepreneurial activity) of innovation systems. Functional analysis focuses on the processes that are important for innovation systems to perform well. Functional approach has been used to identify the so called blocking mechanisms and has served as a framework to identify emerging policy issues.
What are hard institutions or soft institutions H&W
- hard institutions: norms and strategies
- soft: common habits, routines and shared concepts used by humans in repetitive situations
infrastructure, physical/knowledge and financial structural dimensions of a TIS H&W
framework conditions , institutional set-ups
The process clarify the dynamics of the system; Hekkert suggests seven functions
- Entrepreneurial activities, knowledge development, knowledge diffusion, guidance of the search, market
formation, mobilization of resources, creation of legitimacy.
Coupled functional-structural analysis h&W
gives quite a good overview of what happens in the system and in particular what goes wrong and why
What are systemic problems H&W
systemic problems, failures or weaknesses are problems that hinder the development of innovation systems
What factors block the diffusion/development of technology? H&W
- Actors and markets side: poorly articulated demand or market by incumbents
- Network side: poor connectivity or wrong guidance with respect to future markets
- Institutions: legislative failures or failures in the educational system.
What four systemic failures does Smith list H&W
- failures in infrastructural provision and investment
- transition failures
- lock- in failures
- institutional failures
What does the system studies perspective describe H&W
- A system is made up of components (operating parts of a system), relationships (links between components) and
attributes (properties of the components)
- Relationships, links or interactions may also have properties. Attributes are properties of the relationships
Interactions are relationships or links between the components
How can the problems that arise in the context of an innovation system, systemic problems be described
- Presence or capabilities of the actors
- Presence or quality of the institutional set up
- Presence or quality of the interactions
- Presence or quality of the infrastructure
How can infrastructural problems be sub-categorized? H&W
- Complentarity problems ; lack of connection and compatibility between competencies within the system
- Network problems: linkages neither too strong or too weak, interaction/intensity problems
- Infrastructural problems: types of infrastructure highlighted by different sources
- Institutional capacity problems
- Systemic problems
Systematic instruments are a selection of tools and strategies that would target them and thus influence the overall functioning of the innovation system. What are the five processes that systemic policies should aim to achieve: HW
- Building and organizing innovation systems (actors)
- Provide a platform for leaning and experimenting (learning capabilities of actors about new technologies)
- Provide an infrastructure for strategic intelligence and stimulating demand articulation.
- Managing interfaces
- Developing strategy and vision (actors capabilities)
Systemic instruments should focus on H&W
- Stimulate and organize participation of various actors
- Create space for actors'capabilities development
- Stimulate the occurrence of interaction among heterogeneous actors
- Prevent ties that are either too strong or too weak
- Secure the presence of (hard and soft) institutions
- Prevent institutions being too weak or too stringent
- Stimulate the physical, financial and knowledge infrastructure
- Ensure that the quality of infrastructure is adequate
Coupled functional-structural analysis : functions are evaluated by policy makers in cooperation with other actors
1) entrepreneurial activities
2) knowledge development
3) knowledge dissemination
4) guidance of the search
5) Market formation
6) Resources mobilisation
7) Creation of legitimacy
A systemic instrumetn H&W
An integrated coherent set of tools designed for a specific innovation system with the purpose of creating opportunities and conditions for system innovation by influencing elements and connections within the system that otherwise would not emerge spontaneously.
Linking functions to the structure of innovation H&W
- Necessary for analytical purposes
- Practical reasons also
Functions can only be influenced by policies H&W
Through alterations of the structural components
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