Habitat loss and fragmentation - Article

4 important questions on Habitat loss and fragmentation - Article

In what landscapes are extinction cascades most likely to occur?

Landscapes with:
  • Low native vegetation cover
  • Low landscape connectivity
  • Degraded native vegetation
  • Intensive land use 

What 2 extremes of approaches to understanding landscape modification are there?

  • Species orientated - centered around individual species, which are believed to respond individualistically to their environment.
  • Pattern orientated - focus on human-perceived landscape patterns and their correlation with measures of species occurrence, including species richness.

Explain what a variegated and a relictual landscape are.

  • Variegated landscape: characterized by gradual boundaries between native vegetation and surrounding modified land. Often seen in areas with intensive livestock grazing.
  • Relictual landscape: characterized by sharp boundaries between a minimal amount of remaining native vegetation and surrounding land. Often seen in areas with intensive agriculture.
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What are the 3 types of connectivity?

  1. Habitat connectivity - connectedness between patches of suitable habitat for a given individual species.
  2. Landscape connectivity - human perspective of the conectedness of native vegetation cover in a given landscape.
  3. Ecological connectivity - conectedness of ecological processes across multiple scales, including trophic relationships, disturbance processes and hydroecological flows.

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