
4 important questions on Overexploitation

What are the causes of increased hunting pressure in tropical forests?

  • Loss of forest
  • Increase in human population size
  • Urbanization
  • More access to forest due to roads and fragmentation
  • Commercialization of hunting

What traits are associated with extinction?

Slow breeding and ecological specialization are associated with extinction.

What is the effect of loss of large mammals?

  • Less top-down control on ecosystems
  • Ecological release of small mammals, especially rodents
  • Less seed dispersal: increase in rodent population and seed predation
  • Pre-depletion: loss of predators
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What are the functions of small mammals in ecosystems?

  • Seed dispersal
  • Consumption of vegetation and invertebrates
  • Soil disturbance
  • Prey for other species

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