Measurement: Research Using Numbers Numerals vs. numbers

10 important questions on Measurement: Research Using Numbers Numerals vs. numbers

What is the difference between numerals and numbers in research?

- NUMERALS are labels for phenomena, e.g., street addresses
- NUMBERS assign value and relativity to phenomena, enabling accurate discriminations and generalizations

What are the measurement levels in research?

- NOMINAL MEASUREMENT: labels for classification
- ORDINAL MEASUREMENT: indicates level of progression
- INTERVAL MEASUREMENT: equal intervals on a scale
- RATIO MEASUREMENT: contains a "true" zero capturing absence of attribute

What are some checks for reliability in research?

- TEST-RETEST: same measure produces consistent results over time
- INTERCODER RELIABILITY: multiple observers agree on observations
- INTERITEM RELIABILITY: consistency within questions of a set
- ESTABLISHED MEASURES RELIABILITY: compare with known, tested measures for the same purpose
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How does the test-retest method contribute to reliability checks in research?

- Administering a test to a group and repeating it later
- Aims to ensure communication measure yields consistent results over time
- Reliability coefficients like correlations above 0.85 are deemed acceptable by most researchers

What is intercoder reliability and how is it established in research?

- Different observers agreeing they observe the same thing
- Ensures consistency among observers' observations
- Achieved through thorough training and clear definitions of behavior

Explain the interitem reliability check in research and the split half technique.

- Ensures consistency among individual questions in a question set
- Split half technique correlates results between first and second halves of question set
- Correlation between scores from randomly selected question pairs is computed

What are the four measurement levels and their characteristics?

- NOMINAL: labels for classification, no averages
- ORDINAL: indicates progression; e.g., rank order questions
- INTERVAL: equal intervals on a scale; e.g., Likert scale
- RATIO: contains a "true" zero; e.g., speed on a speedometer

How can reliability be improved in measurement instruments?

• Rewording specific questions

• Adding or dropping questions based on interitem correlations

• Pretesting instructions for observers

• Training observers

• Repeating measurements under original conditions as much as possible.

Which measurement scales include the LIKERT SCALE and the SEMANTIC DIFFERENTIAL SCALE (OSGOOD)?

• LIKERT SCALE: involves framing statements with 5 response options

• SEMANTIC DIFFERENTIAL SCALE: presents opposing ideas and a 5-point scale to indicate opinion position.

What is the process of CODING in research?

• Involves transforming data into a simplified form for computer processing

• Essential for organizing and analyzing data efficiently

• Often used to categorize qualitative information into numerical or categorical data for statistical analysis

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