Introduction to Organizations

9 important questions on Introduction to Organizations

What is the classical perspective associated with and what is its significance in modern management theory and practice?

- Associated with the development of hierarchy and bureaucratic organizations>
- Forms the basis of much of modern management theory and practice

How is Scientific Management defined and what are its key principles?

- Based on precise, standard procedures for each job
- Management focuses on maintaining stability and efficiency>
- Top managers are responsible for thinking, workers for doing as instructed

In what year was the concept of Scientific Management introduced?

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What principles were emphasized in the design and functioning of organizations as a whole, contributing to the development of bureaucratic organizations?

- Unity of command and unity of direction

What was the conclusion drawn from the Hawthorne Studies regarding the treatment of employees?

- Positive treatment of employees positively impacted motivation and productivity

What does the principle of Contingency emphasize with regards to organizations and their external environment?

- Constant 'goodness of fit' between organization's structure and external environment is crucial

What does the concept of the Science of Chaos theory suggest about relationships in organizations?

- Relationships in organizations create unintended effects and are unpredictable

How do learning organizations promote their functioning?

- Learning organizations promote communication and collaboration

What are the five elements of organizational design that differentiate efficient performance from learning organizations?

- Vertical to horizontal structure, routine tasks to empowered roles, formal control systems to shared information, competitive to collaborative strategy, rigid to adaptive culture

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