Applying the VRIO Framework
5 important questions on Applying the VRIO Framework
What does the VRIO Framework analyze?
- The VRIO Framework assesses firm resources.
- Components: Valuable, Rare, Imitable, Organized.
- Competitive Implications: Disadvantage, Parity, Temporary Advantage, Sustained Advantage.
- Economic Implications: Below Normal, Normal, Above Normal returns.
What do competitive implications indicate regarding resources?
- Below normal: weakness
- Normal: strength
- Above normal: strength and distinctive competence
- Above normal: strength and sustainable distinctive competence
How are distinctive competence and sustainable distinctive competence defined?
- Distinctive competence: hard-to-copy resource, often from first-mover firms
- Sustainable distinctive competence: resource that is valuable, rare, and costly to imitate
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What role does organization play in competitive advantage?
- Valuable, rare, and costly-to-imitate resources may lead to lost competitive advantages
- Represents a chain’s strength being determined by its weakest link
What is the impact of competitive dynamics in an industry?
- Not responding
- Changing tactics
- Changing strategies
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