The resource bases view of the firm

13 important questions on The resource bases view of the firm

What model will be used in this chapter to analyze the internal environment?

Resource Based View (RBV) will be utilized for internal analysis.
  • Focus on strengths and weaknesses of a firm
  • Comparison with competitors

How does economic value creation differ between perfect and imperfect competition according to the diagrams?

  • Imperfect Competition: Economic value shown as shaded area due to pricing above marginal cost.
  • Perfect Competition: Price equals marginal cost, no economic value created.

What strategies should firms use to exploit competitive advantages according to the RBV model?

  • Focus on identifying unique resources and capabilities.
  • Develop strategies that leverage these for sustained competitive advantage.
  • Continuously assess and adapt strategies for resource utilization.
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What characterizes the market on the right side in terms of competition?

The market is characterized by:
  • No competition
  • Demand is equal to the quantity produced

What is stated about competitive advantage in this context?

There is an indication that:
  • No competitive advantage exists
  • The market conditions do not support competition

What is competitive advantage in economics?

  • Competitive advantage: Difference in a firm’s economic value versus rivals.
  • Typified by high profits.
  • Mostly temporary due to changing products and costs.
  • Profits attract competition.
  • Competition often limits advantage duration.

What is a significant characteristic of competitive advantage according to the information provided?

Competitive advantage is typically temporary due to the following factors:
  • Competitors can imitate advantages
  • They may offer superior alternatives
  • Constant market evolution impacts sustainability

What question does the Resource-Based View aim to address in relation to firms?

The Resource-Based View focuses on understanding why certain firms achieve better economic performance than their peers by examining:
  • Unique firm-specific resources
  • Their role in competitive advantage
  • Economic performance indicators

What is the essence of the resource-based theory regarding economic performance?

The theory posits that:
  • Resources are core to competitive advantage
  • Economic performance is driven by resource uniqueness
  • Sustainable advantages come from firm-specific resources

In a perfectly competitive market, how is economic value created?

Economic value can be generated when:
  • Products are identical across companies
  • Example scenario:
  • - Value = 40
  • - Consumer Surplus = €40 - €30
  • - Price = 30
  • - Cost = 15

What are some economic measures that are typically not included in accounting measures?

Economic measures encompass various costs, including:
  • The cost of debt
  • The cost of equity
  • Weighted average cost of capital (WACC)
  • WACC ROA Industry Avg. ROA

What does it indicate when WACC is less than ROA for a firm?

A firm benefits when WACC is less than ROA because:
  1. Indicates profitability
  2. Potential for value creation
  3. Provides a positive financial outlook

What does it suggest when ROA is less than the Industry Avg. ROA for a firm?

A negative implication arises when ROA is lower than Industry Avg. ROA:
  1. Indicates underperformance
  2. Suggests need for improvement
  3. Short-term situation may differ, but long-term avoidance is crucial

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