What is competitive advantage

4 important questions on What is competitive advantage

What defines a competitive advantage for a company?

A competitive advantage exists when a company:
  • Creates more economic value
  • Outperforms rival firms
  • Achieves differentiation in products/services
  • Develops a unique market position

How is economic value calculated?

Economic value is determined by:
  1. Assessing total perceived benefits
  2. Subtracting full economic costs
  3. Highlighting differentials between benefits and costs
  4. Emphasizing value from customer perspective

How is competitive parity defined in terms of value creation among firms?

  • Competitive Parity:
  • - Occurs when a firm creates the same economic value as its rivals.
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What are the characteristics of a competitive disadvantage for firms?

  • Competitive Disadvantage: Firm creates less economic value than rivals.
  • - Temporary: Lasts a short time.
  • - Sustained: Lasts a long time.

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