The Structure-Conduct-Performance model of firm performance

4 important questions on The Structure-Conduct-Performance model of firm performance

What factors define industry structure in the Structure-Conduct-Performance model?

  • Industry structure is defined by:
  • - Number of competitors
  • - Product heterogeneity
  • - Entry and exit costs
  • - Virtual monopoly effects

How does firm conduct influence performance in the Structure-Conduct-Performance model?

  • Firm conduct affects performance by:
  • - Implementing cooperative strategies
  • - Influencing product quality
  • - Potential environmental impact
  • - Easiness of collusion

What indicates the performance of individual firms and society in the Structure-Conduct-Performance model?

  • Individual firms: Competitive disadvantage or parity
  • Society: Productive and allocative efficiency, employment levels, progress, societal performance
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How does the number and size of competitors affect firm conduct and performance?

  • Many small competitors: Collusion is difficult, leading to low company returns
  • Few large competitors: Collusion is viable, leading to high company returns

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