Product differentiation and environmental threats

5 important questions on Product differentiation and environmental threats

How does successful product differentiation reduce the threat of rivalry?

  • Carves unique product niche for firms (e.g., Rolls-Royce vs. Fiat).
  • Competitors avoid price competition.
  • Firms focus on unique product distinctions.

In what way does product differentiation mitigate the threat of entry?

  • Forces new firms to overcome differentiation costs.
  • New entrants face standard and additional costs.
  • Lowers margins for new firms (lower volumes).

How does differentiation affect the threat of substitutes?

  • Makes current products more attractive.
  • Substitutes seem more expensive.
  • Enhances product appeal over alternatives.
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What impact does differentiation have on the threat of suppliers?

  • Allows price increases to be passed to customers.
  • Increases firm's importance to suppliers.
  • Customer loyalty helps manage substitute availability.

In what way does product differentiation influence the threat of buyers?

  • Creates a ‘quasi-monopoly’ situation.
  • Lowers incentives for vertical integration.
  • Enhances control over pricing and terms.

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