Threat from new competition

8 important questions on Threat from new competition

What are new competitors in an industry?

These are firms that either recently started operating or threaten to begin operations. The impact of new competitors is influenced by:
  • Cost of entry
  • Barriers to entry

What are barriers to entry in an industry?

These are attributes of industry structure that increase the cost of entry. High costs create:
  1. Greater challenges for new entrants
  2. Four significant types of barriers:
  • Economies of scale
  • - Product differentiation
  • - Cost advantages independent of scale
  • - Government policy

How does product differentiation act as a barrier to entry?

Incumbent firms benefit from established brand identification and customer loyalty. New entrants face challenges like:
  • Absorbing start-up production costs
  • Overcoming existing differentiation advantages
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What options do potential competitors have instead of entering an industry at efficient scale?

Alternatives to entering at efficient scale include:
  1. Expanding the total size of the market
  2. Developing new production technology
  3. Offering specialized products at higher prices
If costs exceed potential returns, entry is unlikely.

What are examples of cost advantages that act as barriers to entry for new competitors?

Examples include:
  • Proprietary technology: secret or patented tech reduces costs.
  • Managerial know-how: years of developed skills and information.
  • Favorable access to raw materials: low-cost access by incumbents.
  • Learning-curve cost advantages: accumulated production providing cost benefits.

How do government policies or regulations influence industry entry costs?

Government actions can:
  • Raise entry costs, especially in monopolized sectors.
  • Ensure products are reasonably priced over competitive market fluctuations.

What role does proprietary technology play in creating barriers for new competitors?

It serves as a significant barrier due to:
  • Secret or patented technology that reduces costs.
  • Potential entrants must develop substitute technologies.
  • High development costs to compete effectively.

How does managerial know-how contribute to cost advantages for incumbent firms?

Managerial know-how creates barriers through:
  • Years of developed knowledge and skills.
  • Access difficulty for new competitors trying to replicate.
  • Significant costs and time involved in acquiring similar expertise.

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