Limitations to the external analysis

4 important questions on Limitations to the external analysis

What are the limitations to consider when performing an external analysis?

Several limitations include:
  1. Causality can be reversed: Performance influences conduct and vice versa.
  2. Industry influences performance: Average performance influenced by resources and corporate strategy.
  3. Morality of competition-reducing strategies: Legally and morally questionable.
  4. Undetermined weights: Forces and indicators lack clear weighting.
  5. Data requirement: Solid analysis needs extensive data and time.
  6. Static models: Can become obsolete due to dynamics.
  7. Industry definition challenges: Difficult to draw boundaries.
  8. Simplistic standard models: May overlook diverse buyers and complex research needs.
  9. Incomplete models: Lack consideration of complementors.

How does industry influence the performance of firms?

Individual firm performance is affected by:
  1. Industry average performance: Influenced by market forces.
  2. Business unit effects: Resources impact outcomes.
  3. Corporate effects: Strategy and organization shape performance.

What are the ethical concerns related to competition-reducing strategies?

Strategies aimed at lowering competition raise issues such as:
  1. Morality: Actions can be ethically questionable.
  2. Legality: Potential legal ramifications exist.
  3. Market fairness: Could harm overall competitive landscape.
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What are some challenges related to defining industry boundaries?

Key challenges include:
  1. Industry definition: Essential for analysis but complex.
  2. Boundary difficulties: Identifying where the industry starts and ends.
  3. Market dynamics: Rapid changes complicate definitions.

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