Understanding a firm’s general environment

19 important questions on Understanding a firm’s general environment

How does technological change affect a firm?

  • Creates opportunities for new products/services.
  • Forces rethinking of technological strategies.
  • Can lead to both opportunities and threats.

What is the importance of demographic trends for a firm?

  • Distribution in terms of age, sex, income.
  • Helps determine product/service appeal.
  • Identifies potential customer base.

How do cultural trends impact firm strategy?

  • Reflect values, beliefs, norms.
  • Define what's 'right', 'wrong', 'good', 'bad'.
  • Significant for gaining competitive advantage.
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Explain the economic climate's role in a firm's strategy.

  • Health of economic systems affects operations.
  • Periods: Recession, depression, business cycle.
  • Influences strategic choices.

What do legal and political conditions encompass?

  • Laws and impacts on business.
  • Government-business relationships.
  • Variability across countries.

What are the main trends in the external environment that affect firms?

Key trends impacting firms include:
  1. Demands from stakeholders: Balancing People – Planet – Profit.
  2. Globalization: Outsourcing increases vulnerability and backlash.
  3. Changing government regulation: Regulations can create unfair advantages.
  4. Technology: Brings both threats (loss of jobs) and opportunities (increased effectiveness).

How do demands from stakeholders influence firm operations?

Focusing on stakeholder interests can enhance firm performance by:
  1. Maximizing shareholder value.
  2. Ensuring social responsibility.
  3. Improving public perception.
  4. Balancing People, Planet, and Profit.

What impact does globalization have on firms?

Globalization affects firms by:
  1. Emphasizing core competences.
  2. Increasing vulnerability to global market shifts.
  3. Potentially leading to social and political backlash.
  4. Driving a shift from outsourcing to insourcing.

How can changing government regulations affect a firm like Google?

Government regulations may cause issues by:
  1. Creating unfair advantages in search results.
  2. Resulting in financial penalties.
  3. Triggering consumer distrust.
  4. Necessitating operational changes to comply.

What are the dual effects of technology on firms?

Technology offers both threats and opportunities:
  1. Threats include potential job losses.
  2. Opportunities arise from enhanced effectiveness.
  3. Encourages innovation and improved processes.
  4. Requires adaptation to remain competitive.

What are the implications of rising environmental changes on competitive advantage?

  • Transition from stability to punctuated equilibrium.
  • Shift towards hyper competition.
  • Innovations can quickly be matched by competitors.
  • Companies need to be quick and agile.
  • Sustainable competitive advantage is harder to maintain.

What are some examples of sectors facing disruptions, and what is the consequence?

  • Sectors facing disruption:
  • - Retail
  • - Energy
  • - Healthcare
  • - Hotels
  • - Taxis
  • - Banking
  • - Television
  • Consequence: Destruction of existing business models.

What are the relevant aspects of classical strategic analysis for strategy?

  • Identifying opportunities and threats.
  • Offering strategic insights for industry analysis.
  • Guiding the selection of an attractive industry.
  • Informing strategy development and asset building.

What is involved in an externally driven strategy process?

  1. Analyze industries.
  2. Select an attractive industry.
  3. Develop a matching strategy.
  4. Build required assets.
  5. Implement strategy.

How do generic industry structures and strategic opportunities correlate?

  • Fragmented industry: Consolidation.
  • Emerging industry: First mover advantages.
  • Mature industry: Product refinement, service quality, process innovation.
  • Declining industry: Leadership, niche, harvest, divestment.

What challenges arise due to rising environmental changes in external analysis?

  • Increased frequency and impact of environmental changes.
  • Importance of external analysis rises.
  • Feasibility of external analysis decreases.

What are the levels and tools of external analysis?

  • General environment: Overall external trends.
  • Industry: Specific sector analysis.
  • Strategic group: Cluster of similar firms.
  • Competitor analysis:
1. Market commonality
2. Resource similarity
- Predict competitive interaction: Forecast rivalry dynamics.

What does the term "industry" refer to, and what considerations are important in defining it?

  • Refers to companies producing similar products/services using related technologies.
  • Not to be confused with manufacturing.
  • Considers similar functionality for clients and similar production processes.
  • Vital first step in analysis.

What are the implications of defining an industry too narrowly or too broadly?

  • Too narrow: Other players are potential entrants or substitutes; risk of being a monopolist.
  • Too broad: Other players are direct competitors; risk of being a powerless price taker.

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