Opportunities in emerging industries: first-mover advantages

8 important questions on Opportunities in emerging industries: first-mover advantages

What are the three primary sources of first-mover advantages?

The sources are:
1. Technological Leadership
  • Enables a low-cost position
  • - Potential patent protections
2. Pre-emption of Strategically Valuable Assets
  • Secures valuable resources
  • - Creates barriers to imitation
3. The Creation of Customer-Switching Costs
- Ties customers to a firm

What are the disadvantages faced by first-movers?

Uncertainties include:
  • Critical strategic decisions may lack clarity
  • Firms should choose flexible strategies
  • Adapting strategies may be necessary over time

What opportunities do firms have in mature industries?

Opportunities include:
  • Refining current products
  • Increasing quality of service
  • Focus on reducing manufacturing costs
  • Emphasis on process innovations
  • Higher grades + faster learning
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How does innovation focus in mature industries?

Innovation emphasizes:
  • Extending and improving current products
  • Quality customer service differentiation
  • Improving current processes for efficiency

What does process innovation entail for firms in mature industries?

Process innovation involves:
  • Refining and improving current processes
  • Efforts to reduce manufacturing costs
  • Increase quality and streamline management

What is the importance of product innovation in the stages of industry development?

Product innovation is crucial initially but later:
  • Attention shifts to process innovations
  • Aim to reduce costs
  • Enhance quality over time

How do firms compete in mature industries with limited technology investments?

In such cases, firms may:
  • Differentiate through customer service quality
  • Build a reputation for high quality
  • Achieve superior performance without new products

What impacts the strategic decisions of first movers in uncertain markets?

First movers face challenges such as:
  • Lack of clear decision guidelines
  • High strategic uncertainties
  • Need for adaptive strategies

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