Network & Mass Society
16 important questions on Network & Mass Society
What does Ott argue about social media?
What are the 3 key features of Twitter according to Ott?
What is van Dijks view on new media?
In 1988 dystopian view; reducing, diminishing and even destroying the quality of face to face communication & making relationship at work more formal > privacy reduction
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What is a Network Society according to Castells?
What is a Network Society according to van Dijk?
What is meant by space of flows in a network society?
What is meant by timeless time in a network society?
How can mass society be defined by van Dijk?
Mass society in the media
Did mass society ended?
What is media ecology (Mevrowitsz, 1994)?
What are the pros of media ecology?
2. Support public debate, deliberation and community formation
3. Enhance participation in political decision making by citizens
What is the impact of filter bubbles and echo chambers on social environment?
echo chambers; people across the political spectrum are being fed a steady diet of what they want to hear, resulted in ideological silos.
What is Tukle's view on new media communications?
What are the gratifying fantasies of new media according to Turkle?
1 We can put our attention to whenever we want to be
2 We will always be heard
3 We will never be alone
How much power can a user have within a media/network society?
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