Historische gebeurtenissen
9 important questions on Historische gebeurtenissen
How did the hijacking perspective change over time?
How did (Mass) media change terrorism?
Security as a political technology that control individuals within larger systems of power and institutional action.
" a terrorist fueled by ideology" biases white and black, western and eastern. It racialized media coverage, fuel further division and polarization in our communities.
How is according to Browning threat represented?
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What does the issue-attention cycle entail?
What are the 5 stages of the issue-attention cycle?
2 Alarmed discovery and euphoric enthusiasm
3 Realize the cost of significant progress
4 Gradual decline of intense public interest
5 The post-problem stage
What was the Manhattan Project?
General Groves and Scientific director Oppenheimer with backing from pr. Roosevelt, Groves enlisted America's leading industrial firms to construct and operate the vast facilities needed to produce the ingredients for the atomic bomb. Oppenheimer recruited nobel laureates and promising young physicians, engineers and other scientist, many of them refugees from Nazi Europe.
Why is the MHP considered Big Science?
- Big staffs; the number of practitioners of science on any one project crew, creating difficulty and often controversy in the assignment of credit for scientific discoveries (Nobel prize awarding only 3 individual topics per year)
- Big machines; ushered in an era of massive machines
- Big laboratories; because of the increase in cost to do basic science and the increase of large machines, centralization of scientific research in large laboratories has become a cos-effective strategy, though questions over facility acces become prevalent.
What does the atomic bomb entail?
- Lead to the development of more destructive weapons (arms race)
- Cultural social phenomenon, shaped national identity, they built new human body understanding which is completely fragile, national consciousness.
- Symbol of national security
- Influence on the society (people built bunkers/underground shelters)
- Big science
- impact on the environment
Why is science perceived as the endless frontier?
Scientific progress is one essential key to our security as a nation, to our better health, to more jobs, to a higher standard of living, and to our cultural progress.
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- 100% sure, 100% understanding