Determining the Optimal Level of Product Availability - Factors Affecting Optimal Level of Product Availability

7 important questions on Determining the Optimal Level of Product Availability - Factors Affecting Optimal Level of Product Availability

Give 2 obvious managerial levers to increase profitability

  1. Increasing the salvage value of each unit increases profitability
  2. Decreasing the margin lost from a stockout increases profitability (by allowing a lower optimal cycle service level)

In which four ways can a manager reduce demand uncertainty?

  1. Improved forecasting
  2. Quick response
  3. Postponement
  4. Tailored sourcing, use a supplier with a short lead time

Give 3 important consequences of being able to place a second replenishment order in the season after observing some sales

  1. The expected total quantity ordered during the season with two orders is less than that with a single order for the same cycle service level. 
  2. The average overstock to be disposed of at the end of the sales season and the expected understock is less if a follow-up order is allowed
  3. The profits are higher when a follow-up order is allowed during the sales season
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When a firm uses tailored postponement, what does it mean?

the firm uses production with postponement to satisfy a part of its demand, with the rest being satisfied without postponement.

When a firm uses tailored sourcing, what does it mean?

the firm uses a combination of two supply sources, one focusing on cost, but unable to handle uncertainty well. The other focusing on flexibility to handle uncertainty, but at a higher cost.

What is volume-based tailoring?

the predictable part of a product's demand is produced at an efficient facility, the uncertain portion is produced at a flexible facility.

What is product-based tailored sourcing?

low-volume products with uncertain demand are obtained from a flexible source
high-volume products with less demand uncertainty are obtained from an efficient source

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