Demand Forecasting in a Supply Chain

4 important questions on Demand Forecasting in a Supply Chain

Give 4 characteristics of forecasts which supply chain managers and companies should be aware of

  1. Forecasts are always inaccurate and should thus both include both the expected value of the forecast and a measure of forecast error.
  2. Long-term forecasts are usually less accurate than short-term forecasts.
  3. Aggregate forecasts are usually more accurate than disaggregate forecasts, as they tend to have a smaller standard deviation or error relative to the mean
  4. In general, the farther up the supply chain the company is, the greater the distortion of information it receives.

Give the 5 points that are important for an organization to forecast effectively

  1. Understand the objective of forecasting
  2. Integrate demand planning and forecasting throughout the supply chain
  3. Identify the major factors that influence the demand forecast
  4. Forecast at the appropriate level of aggregation
  5. Establish performance and error measures for the forecast.

What means deseasonalizing demand?

Deseasonalized demand represents the demand that would have been observed in the absence of seasonal fluctuations.
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What is the periodicity(p)?

the number of periods after which the seasonal cycle repeats.

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