Managing Uncertainty in a Supply Chain - Factors affecting the level of safety inventory

4 important questions on Managing Uncertainty in a Supply Chain - Factors affecting the level of safety inventory

Which 2 factors determine the appropriate level of safety inventory?

  1. The uncertainty of both demand and supply
  2. the desired level of product availability

What is a stockout?

a customer order arrives when product is not available

Give 3 ways to measure product availability

  1. Product fill rate (fr); fraction of product demand that is satisfied from products in inventory.
  2. Order fill rate; fraction of orders that is satisfied from products in inventory.
  3. Cycle service level; fraction of replenishment cycles that end with all customer demand being met.
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Give 2 different replenishment policies

  1. Continuous review; inventory continuously tracked, lot size Q placed when inventory declines to the reorder point (ROP)
  2. Periodic review: Inventory status checked regular periodic intervals, order is placed to raise inventory to a specified threshold

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