Managing Uncertainty in a Supply Chain

6 important questions on Managing Uncertainty in a Supply Chain

What is safety inventory?

inventory carried to satisfy demand that exceeds the amount forecasted.

Which three key questions need to be considered when planning safety inventory?

  1. What is the appropriate level of product availability?
  2. How much safety inventory is needed for the desired product availability?
  3. What actions can be taken to reduce safety inventory without hurting product availability?

What happens when the safety inventory is increased?

both the fill rate and cycle service level increase.
For the same safety inventory, but increase in lot size. We get an increase in fill rate but not in CSL (cycle service level)
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Which two managerial levers may be used to reduce the level of safety inventory required that does not adversely affect product availability?

  1. Reduce the supplier lead time L
  2. Reduce the underlying uncertainty of demand

What can a reduction in supply uncertainty do?

It can help to dramatically reduce the required safety inventory without hurting product availability

Which review replenishment policy requires more safety inventory?

The Periodic review replenishment policy requires more safety stock than the continuous one for the same lead time and level of product availability

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