Sentence Processing

8 important questions on Sentence Processing

Sentence processing results in two products

  1. Syntactic structure --> parsing (taalkundige ontleding): "colorless green ideas sleep furiously" --> syntactically driven sentence processing
  2. Semantic / conceptual content: "storms trees bikes dead" --> conceptually driven sentence processing

Basic assumptions by Chomsky (1957) - Syntactics structures

  1. Language (syntax) as an abstract rule system --> lambda calculus, Chomsky hierarchy, Turing machine, Homogeneous language communicate, standard speaker, competence vs. performance, universal grammar, Language Acquisition Device (LAD)
  2. Language (syntax) as modular --> "the organs of the mind"
  3. Language (syntax) as complete(d) utterances --> Methodology: collect grammatical judgements about whole sentence
  4. 'Neuroscience is not relevant'

Grammars and transition networks

Phrase Structure Grammar (PSG):
S    --> NP V
NP --> Det (AP) N
V    --> V NP
AP --> Adj (AP)

This makes the Augmented Transition Network (ATN).

  • Each PSG can be implemented as an ATN
  • Transition conditions can also be semantic or pragmatic
  • ATNs are often used in AI-applications
  • ATNs are purely top-down, and as such not psychologically plausible
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Garden Path model (Frazier)

  • Incremental
  • Autonomous
  • Two-stage: Build a syntactic structure; revise the structure if it turns out to be incorrect

If there is a structural ambiguity (dubbelzinnigheid), initial attachment follows two principles:
  1. Minimal attachment: make sure there are as few nodes in the structure as possible
  2. Late closure: ass the word to the current phrase (this diminishes the risk of being obliged to re-open a phrase)

Referential theory of parsing

• Two-stage:
  • Build all possible syntactic structures in parallel
  • Use context information to choose 'directly' the most probable structure
• Garden path effects are therefore not syntactic, but semantic in nature
Weak interaction: there is only a limited effect of context on the construction of the sentence structure

Incremental sentence processing

Example sentence from Levelt (1989). The input arrives word by word, and form is mapped onto meaning.

From message to surface structure (picture)

Timin: Integration vs. prediction (from sentence processing and prediction)

First blue, then grey, then orange, then red. First red is prediction, second one is integration / cognate.

Predictability and idiomatic expressions

It is no use flogging a dead ... (horse)

We found that the meaning of the word horse was suppressed by the meaning of the idiomatic expression. We have started a project on (bilingual) idiomatic processing called ISLA in which we attempt to build this extend sentence / idiomatic processing model.

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