State responsibility - Expropriation of foreign-owned property

9 important questions on State responsibility - Expropriation of foreign-owned property

Why is 'expropriation of foreign-owned property' treated seperately?

Because it is one of the most contentious areas of state responsibility wherein there is considerable disagreement between developed and developing states.

What are the conditions of lawful expropriation?

  • It must be based on grounds of public policy, security or in the national interest.
  • 'Appropriate' compensation must be paid.
  • It must not be discriminatory.

What is the effect of 'the international minimum effect' being the standard of compensation?

The adequacy of compensation is to be judged by reference to international criteria rather than the provisions of the national law of the expropriating state.
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What should the standard of compensation be according to developing states?

The national treatment standard

Which measure of compensation is adopted by industrialised nations?

The 'Hull formula'. It means that compensation must be 'prompt, adequate and effective'. In other words: the nationalising state should pay in a form of currency that can be readily used, that it should reflect the full value of the property taken and that it must be handed within a reasonable time after the expropriation and, if not, interest should be paid.

Why do developing states object tot the 'Hull formula'?

Because it requires them to pay out a substantial capital sum when the very reason for the expropriation may have been that they were in serious difficulties.

In which cases may expropriation be regarded as unlawful?

  • discriminatory
  • in violation of a treaty obligation
  • when there's no compensation up to the international standard.

What happens when a states claims that the expropriation was unlawful?

The state may be entitled to different remedies, including an enhanced monetary sum.

What are the ways of calculating the compensation? (5)

  • The discount cash flow (DCF) approach
  • The net book value method
  • The 'going concern' method
  • The value of the asset should be its value pre-expropriation
  • Lump sum settlement

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