Human rights - The development of the law of human rights

4 important questions on Human rights - The development of the law of human rights

What are the exceptions to the lacking rules to the protection of individuals?

  • Rules protecting combatants and civilians in time of war
  • The Mandate provisions of the Legue of Nations Covenant
  • Certain rights accorded under the Peace Treaties ending the First World War

What is one of the primary purposes of the United Nations and since when?

The protenction of human rights since the Second World War.

What is the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of 1948?

A list of economic, social, cultural and political rights and provides in art. 2 that 'everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without distinction of any kind'.
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What was the precise effect of the 1948 Declaration?

To urge states to establish procedures for the future protection of human rights.

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