Correlation between Numerical Variables - Assumptions

7 important questions on Correlation between Numerical Variables - Assumptions

What are the assumptions for correlation analysis?

Random sample
bivariate normal distribution

What is a bivariate normal distribution?

A probability distribution in 3D

What are 3 features of X an Y to make up a bivariate distributions?

- the relationship between X and Y is linear
- The clouds of points of X and Y in a scatter plot has a circular of elliptical shape
- The frequency distributions of X and Y seperately are normal.
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What does effect correlations analysis the most in a bivarate normal distribution?

Noticable departures from bivariate normality in a scatter plot

What are the 3 noticeable departures from bivariate normality in a scatter plot?

- funnel shaped cloud of points
- presence of outliers
- a non-linear relationship between X and Y

What is the most noticeable departure from bivariate normality in a frequency distribution of X and Y?

When (on of the 2) distribution is skewed

What are the two options when the assumption of bivariate normality is not met?

1. Transformations
2. Nonparametric methods.

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