Contingency analysis - The X2 contingency test

5 important questions on Contingency analysis - The X2 contingency test

What does the X2 contingency test test?

The goodness-of-fit to the data of the null model of independence of variables; I.e. How indepent the variables are.

What is the hypothesis of the X2 contingency test?

H0: the categorical variables are independent.
Ha: the categorical variables are not independent.

What should be calculated for the X2 contingency test, take in mind you have a data table with columns and rows.

- Expected frequencies that assume independence. (probability of multiplication rule)

- X2 statistic for contingency X2 = Σ[observed(column, row) - Expected(colmn,row)]2/expected(column/row)- Degrees of freedom df=(r-1)(c-1)
- P-value; the critical value with df = x and siginificance level α
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What can be done is the assumptions are not met for the X2 contingency test?

1. Combine two or more row categories to produce larger expected frequencies if the contingecy table has mor rows than 2 or;
2. Fisher's exact test if the contingency table is 2 x 2

What is the Yates correction for continuity?

A modified formula to calculate the X2 test statistic in case of a 2x2 contingency table.

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