Fitting probability models to frequency data - Random space or time: the poisson distribution

7 important questions on Fitting probability models to frequency data - Random space or time: the poisson distribution

What does the Poisson distribution describe?

The number of successes in blocks of time or space.

What does the Poisson distribution assume?

Successes happen independently of each other and occur with equal probability at every point in time or space.

What is the H0 of the Poisson distribution?

That events or object occur randomly in continuous time and space.
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What is the model of the Poisson distribution?

A model for how successes may be distirbuted in time and space in nature.

What is the Ha of the poisson distribution?

That events or objects are clumped or dispersed in time and space

With what test can randomness of a frequency expected from a Poisson distribution be tested? What is the H0?

X2 goodness of fit test. The H0 is that the frequencies have a Poisson distribution.

What is an unusual property of the Poisson distribution? How can this be used for testing if the data has the Poisson distribution?

The square of sd (variance in number of succcesses per block of time/space) is equal to the mean.
If the variance is > mean, then distribution is dispersed
If variance < mean, then distribution is clumped.

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