Creating public value

6 important questions on Creating public value

Distinction between private and public in terms of the consequences of actions

-A private offence harms one or more identifiable individuals.
-A reflective offense damaging one’s own self.
-A semi-public offense affects a part of the community and, depending on the duration and severity of the offense, may justify government action.
-A public offense creates potential danger to all members of the state.

Public value framework - Moore

-The role of government in society: The government is a creator of public value and active shaper of the public sphere.
-The role of government managers: they should be custodians of the public value and administrators of public goods
- The techniques required of public managers: ensure policy choices are made in the public interest

The public value framework provides an antidote to the strong focus on NPM instrumental logic and behaviour and encourages us to direct the public administration to socially desirable outcomes.

What is the strategic triangle

-Public value outcomes: clarifying and specifying the strategic objectives in a particular context
-Legitimating and authorizing an action: creating an “authorizing environment”, which builds a coalition of stakeholders from the public sector, the private sector and the community and voluntary sector, whose support is necessary to legitimize actions to achieve the desired public value outcomes.
-Building operational capacity: assemble operational resources both within and without the organization to implement policy and achieve the desired public value outcomes.
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3 broad domains of policy work - result of strategic triangle

1.Strategic Policy – pushing the frontier
2.Responsive Policy – making the government’s ideas work
3.Operational Policy – keeping things running

How advisers recognize their public service ethics

-Paying attention to the rule of law and
-Supporting and enabling political equality, and not just listen to the loudest voice.
-Distinguish between what is important and what is urgent

How to define the value proposition

-Title: no more than one line
-Purpose: what do decision makers need to know, decide or do, maximum 25 words
-Key points: a summary and the report, if the paper is more than 4 pages long
-Value proposition: why do we care about this issue? what is the problem and what are the interests? Cost-benefit analysis in 1 sentence
-Recommendations: relate to the proposal and purpose of the paper

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