Nation State - Consideration of different indicators of nationhood - territorial boundaries, culture, language, law and religion

4 important questions on Nation State - Consideration of different indicators of nationhood - territorial boundaries, culture, language, law and religion

How did the incorporation of Brittany in 1532 (under Francis I) limit nationhood as well as develop it?

Develop - it helped to shape France into the modern hexagon we recognise today.


Limit - it would take time to assimiliate the province into the kingdom = made it more difficult for the crown to erode provincial liberties and customs. Territories such as Brittany were often exempt from royal taxes, employed their own laws and spoke their own language. 

What did the Edict of Villers Cotterets (1539) serve to do?

All legal documents were to be written in French. Though the shift away from latin did not neessarily mean the advent of uniform language - langue d'oil was not used across France no matter how much progress was made eroding langue d'oc.

What did du Bellay write in 1549 and what did it say?

"Defence and Illustration of the French Language" = championed French over Latin

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What effect did the use of French have upon newly acquired territories e.g. Metz in the 1550s?

Occasionally it created a sense of linguistic community and inspired loyalty to the French crown.

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