Subjects - Relationship between crown and subjects (extent to which the crown ruled in the interests of the people - issue of who benefited and who lost out)

14 important questions on Subjects - Relationship between crown and subjects (extent to which the crown ruled in the interests of the people - issue of who benefited and who lost out)

Since no Estates Generals were called during the reign of Francis I, what does it tell you about the Government?

It remained unrepresentative of the people.

Why did the crown rely on the nobility?

The nobility maintained law and order in the provinces and raise armies.

Why were the nobility of the sword crucial?

While the selling of royal offices could make quick cash injections it was the nobility of the sword with their large land holdings & clientele networks that the King depended on.

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Where can we see that the FWOR exacerbated noble autonomy? 

The clauses in all the peace edicts after 1562 allowing for Calvinist worship on noble estates + the murder of the Guise brothers in 1588 in a desperate attempt to restore power.

What evidence is there to suggest that the nobility were becoming an increasingly dangerous threat after 1559?

Conspiracy of Amboise 1560 = growing radicalism of the Hugenot nobility

Some say the rise of the new administrative class of nobility was viewed as being the expense of the old nobility of the sword. What evidence refutes this?

Major noble families e.g. Guise and Montmorency were not as powerfully independent of the crown as they had been in the fifteenth century, nor were they excluded from power. - they retained their social prominence throughout the sixteenth century, and during the Italian Wars were crucial in raising and leading armies text-decorationfor the king

Moreover, while the new nobility undoubtably attained greater political influence, not all received offices that led to an increase in power/ got them closer to the king.

Where can we see that the nobility of the sword and nobility of the robe were indistinguishable? 

Some old nobility held offices just like the new and some new nobility lived nobly as one would expect the old to.

Why was Guise's influence lost at court in 1560 after the death of FII?

Catherine de Medici assumed the position of regent with Antoine de Bourbon as lieutenant-general and the the Protestant, Coligny on the council.

What shows the complete breakdown of the relationship between the Catholic nobles and the King?

The Treaty of Nemours in 1585 and the assassination of the Guises in 1588

What did the factious behaviour of the upper nobility teach HIV? What shows that he still needed his support text-decorationin the provinces?

They had to excluded from administrative positions.

He bought off Leaguer nobles

What do the crown give the nobility? What do the nobility give in return?

The monarchy give the nobility statue and exemption from tax whilst the nobility in return offer arms and loyalty. 

Why are the nobility an ever-present danger to the crown?

They posses private armies, land and sovereign contacts - Bourbon rebellion, Huguenots and Catholic league are particularly dangerous as they involved foreign troops.

What is the Conspiracy of Amboise (1560) fuelled by?

The power vacuum allowing noble faction to grow  as well as religious tension.

During the FWOR, what can be said about the power of the nobility and the crown?

1559-93, the nobility were able to woeild enormous power during the FWOR at the expense of the crown = prolongs the FWOR

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