The First Way - Enable and Practice Continuous Integration

4 important questions on The First Way - Enable and Practice Continuous Integration

What is continuous integration?

The practice of merging all developer's working code to a shared mainline several times a day.

Which strategies should be used to have the best continuous integration?

Optimize for individual productivity, each developer uses their own branch end checks in regularly to get fast feedback of their work
Optimize for team productivity, there are different branches to work in so the chances of breaking the whole system is less likely.

What are disadvantages of bad continuous integration practices?

  • Delayed feedback
  • more difficult rework with probably impact on other developer's work
  • less motivated to improve and resolve which lead to technical debt.
  • Higher grades + faster learning
  • Never study anything twice
  • 100% sure, 100% understanding
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What is gated commits?

A configured pipeline which rejects commits (code or environment changes) that take the system out of deployable state.

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