The First Way - Create the Foundation of Our Deployment Pipeline

5 important questions on The First Way - Create the Foundation of Our Deployment Pipeline

What can be automated for a production-like environment?

  • Copying a virtualized environment
  • Building an automated environment creation process that starts from scratch
  • Using ' infrastructure as code' configuration management tools
  • Using automated operating system configuration tools
  • Assembling an environment from a set of virtual images or containers
  • Spinning up a new environment in a public cloud, private cloud or other PaaS (Platform as a Service).

What are the benefits of a production-like environment for the developer?

They can quickly reproduce, diagnose and fix defects on there own workstation, safely isolated from production services and other shared resources.
They can experiment with changes to the environments, infrastructure code that creates the environments.

What must be part of a version control system?

  • All application code and dependencies
  • Any script used to create database schemas, application reference data, etc
  • All the environment creation tools and artifacts described in the previous step
  • Any file used to create containers
  • All supporting automated tests and any manual test scripts
  • Any script that supports code packaging, deployment, database migration and environment provisioning
  • All project artifacts (e.g. requirements documentation, deployment procedures, release notes, etc)
  • All cloud configuration files
  • Any other scripts or configuration information required to create infrastructure that supports multiple services.
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Why is it more important to have our environment in version control then our code?

Environments are more configurable.

What is immutable infrastructure?

An automated configuration system where manual changes are not allowed, they have to be made by putting them in the version control system.
Disable remote login to production servers or routinely remove manually-applied changes.

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