Where to start - How to Get Great Outcomes by Integrating Operations into the Daily Work of Development

14 important questions on Where to start - How to Get Great Outcomes by Integrating Operations into the Daily Work of Development

Which strategies are available for integrating Ops into Development

  • Create shared services to increase developer productivity
  • Embed Ops engineers into the service teams
  • Assign Ops liasons to the service teams
  • Integrate Ops engineers into DevOps teams rituals.

How should a platform look for the service/product teams

As the easiest and most appealing (path of least resistance).

How should a platform (shared service or toolchain) look like?

  • Shared version control repository with security libraries
  • deployment pipeline
  • with automatically running code quality
  • security scanning tools
  • into known, good environments
  • with production monitoring tools
  • existing of the knowledge and experience of everyone including QA, Operations and Infosec.
  • Higher grades + faster learning
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  • 100% sure, 100% understanding
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What is an advantage of shared services?

  • Standardization

If in an organization only standard tools are allowed what has to be done to create shared services?

Giving permission to a few teams to experiment and discover what is making them more productive.

Is it better to start an new toolchain or choose one which is already in use?

Choose the one which is already been used and which is widely adopted.

What are tasks for an embed Ops engineer in a team?

  • At the start influencing product architecture, internal and external technology choices, creating new capabilities in our platforms.
  • After release to production with production responsibilities
  • Switch to another project when no longer needed because of the maturity of the product.

What is an advantage of an embed Ops engineer in a DevOps team?

  • For cross-training operations knowlegde and expertise into a service team.
  • Transforming operations knowledge into automated code that's more reliable and widely reused.

What has the designated Ops engineer to understand?

  • What the new product functionality is and why it's build
  • How it works as it pertains operability, scalability and observability
  • How to monitor and collect metrics to ensure the progress, success or failure of the functionality
  • Any departures from previous architectures and patterns and the justification for them
  • Any extra needs for infrastructure and how usage will effect infrastructure capacity
  • Feature launch plans.

What has to be done if the Dev team is not achieving there goals despite the Ops liaison?

  • The liaison engineer must reduce the number of teams it is supporting
  • Temporarily embed an Ops engineer into the team

How can Ops be integrated in Dev rituals

  • Joining standups
  • Joining retrospectives
  • Make Ops work visible on the Kanban board

What 's the advantage for Ops joining the standups?

  • Gaining awareness of Dev teams activiting
  • better planning and preparation
  • helping the team solving problems (improving performance, creating more integrations).

What's the advantage for Ops joining the retrospective?

  • They benefit from new learnings
  • they present there own outcomes and learnings as feedback for the team
  • The team knows what the impact of their work is downstream.

Why should Ops work be on the Kanban board?

  • To know what has to be done, so it's not forgotten or planned to late.
  • to keep track of all the Ops work to get the code in production
  • to see where Ops work is blocked and where it needs eccalation or improvement.

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