The Second Way: The principles of Feedback

11 important questions on The Second Way: The principles of Feedback

How can achieve feedback in DevOps?

  • Work safely within complex systems
  • see problems as they occur
  • collect problems and solve them to build new knowledge
  • push quality closer to the source
  • enable optimizing for downstream work centers

Dr. Charles Perrow studied ...?

The Three Mile Island crisis (about partial meltdown).

Dr. Sidney Dekker did a study on...?

Safety (just) culture.
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Why are checklist and best practices insufficient to prevent catastrophic accidents?

Because the outcome will not always be the same.

According to Steven Spear it is possible to make work safer in a complex system. How?

  • Complex work is managed so that problems in design and operations are revealed
  • problems are swarmed and solved, resulting in quick construction of new knowledge
  • new local knowledge is exploited globally throughout the organization
  • leaders create other leaders who continually grow these types of capabilities.

What is title of Peter Senge book about feedback loops?

The fifth Discipline: The Art & Practice of the Learning Organization.

Who wrote the book: "Explore It!: Reduce Risk and Increase Confidence with Exploratory Testing?

Elisabeth Hendrickson.

Why is swarming of problems necessary?

  • It prevents the problem from progressing downstream
  • It prevents the work center to start new work
  • If the problem is not adressed, the work center potentially could have the same problem.

Name a few ineffective quality controls.

  • Another team doing tedious, error-prone manually task that could be easily automated
  • Requiring approval from busy people who are distant from the work
  • Creating large volumes of documentation which become soon obsolete
  • Pushing large batches of work to teams and special committees for approval and processing and then waiting for responses.

In Lean two customers are defined. Which ones and who is the most important one?

  • External customer
  • Internal customer

The most important is the next customer downstream.

Give a few examples in the technology value stream where work for downstream work centers is optimized.

Non functional requirements as architecture, performance, stability, testability, configurability and security.

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