Where to start - Understanding the Work in Our Value Stream, Making it Visible, and Expanding it Across the Organization

7 important questions on Where to start - Understanding the Work in Our Value Stream, Making it Visible, and Expanding it Across the Organization

Who are in general the members of a team which create value for the customer?

  • Product owner
  • Development
  • QA
  • Operations
  • Infosec
  • Release managers
  • Technology executives or value stream manager.

What's the work of an value stream manager.

Someone who is reponsible for "ensuring that the value stream meets or exceeds the customer (and organizational) requirements for the overall value stream from start to finish".

Which areas should we focus on when we created a value stream we want to improve?

  • Places where work must wait long
  • Places where significant rework is generated of received.
  • Higher grades + faster learning
  • Never study anything twice
  • 100% sure, 100% understanding
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A dedicated team is accountable for achieving a clearly defined, measurable, system level result. How should a dedicated team look like?

  • Member are assigned solely allocated to the DevOps transformation efforts
  • Team members are generalists, who have skills across a wide variety of domains
  • Team members have longstanding and mutually respectful relationships with the rest of the organization
  • If possible, create a separate space where all members can work.

How can a dedicated DevOps team work

  • Agree on a shared goal
  • Keep improvement planning horizons short
  • Reserve 20% time for non functional requirements and technical debt
  • Increase the visibilty of work.

What is achieved by keeping our planning horizons and iteration intervals short?

  • Flexibility and the ability to reprioritize and replan quickly
  • Decrease the delay between work extended and improvement realized
  • Faster learning from the first iteration for the next iteration
  • Reduction in activation energy to get improvements
  • Quicker realizations of improvements that make meaningful differences in our daily work
  • Less risk that our project is killed before we can generate demonstrable outcomes.

How can desired behavior reinforced?

  • By using the same backlog tool
  • Using chatrooms

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