Articles - Danneels (2002)

6 important questions on Articles - Danneels (2002)

Simply put, a first-order competence is a skill at performing a particular task, whereas a second-order competence is a skill at learning new tasks.

Simply put, a first-order competence is a skill at performing a particular task, whereas a second-order competence is a skill at learning new tasks.

Describe path dependence

path dependence is the dependence of economic outcomes on the path of previous outcomes, rather than simply on current conditions. In a path dependent process, “history matters” — it has an enduring influence. Choices made on the basis of transitory conditions can persist long after those conditions change. Thus, explanations of the outcomes of path-dependent processes require looking at history, rather than simply at current conditions of technology, preferences, and other factors that determine outcomes.

Describe pure exploitation

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Describe leveraging technological competence

Technology is there but new to customers

Describe leveraging customer competence

Custoemrs existing but new to the firm

Describe pure exploration

New techonology to new customer

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