Articles - articels - Uzanca et al (2018)

9 important questions on Articles - articels - Uzanca et al (2018)

In countries with lower degrees of institutionalization, SE firms

can address grand societal challenges and leverage the power they gain to shape government regulations and public perception to their advantage.

In countries with higher degrees of institutionalization, firms with

disruptive and transformative strategies (e.g., Uber) can provide rapid but short-term gains, whereas firms with more relational and additive strategies (e.g., Airbnb) may allow for more sustainable legitimacy gains.

In countries with a lower degree of institutionalization (e.g., Egypt), SE firms have
more opportunities to

transform their institutional environments by addressing grand societal
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The development of the SE and regulators’ approaches also show large variance
across countries, offering ample opportunities to explore the aforementioned gaps and provide
new insights into how SE firms try to define the rules of a new game in a context in which
everyone is used to playing by the rules (e.g., the UK, the Netherlands) versus in a context in
which the rules are generally weak (e.g., Egypt).

The development of the SE and regulators’ approaches also show large variance
across countries, offering ample opportunities to explore the aforementioned gaps and provide
new insights into how SE firms try to define the rules of a new game in a context in which
everyone is used to playing by the rules (e.g., the UK, the Netherlands) versus in a context in
which the rules are generally weak (e.g., Egypt).

Overall, the UK presents a
contrast to the Netherlands in the

proactive approach of the government and the important
role of the SE trade association in the development of the SE.

Thus, our first discovery
is that countries with a lower degree of institutionalization and larger societal problems offer
firms an opportunity to

address these problems and in turn achieve power to transform their
institutional environment favorably at the national level.

Our second discovery is that in
countries with higher degrees of institutionalization, the

legitimacy and commercial success

Finally, the third discovery reveals that whether acting locally and addressing the
needs of the community leads to legitimation, and market penetration largely depends on the

approach of the national government regarding the regulation of the new service or product.
When governments play a more proactive role (e.g., in the UK), politically active industry
associations and lobbying various higher institutional actors (e.g., ministers) offer additional
opportunities to gain legitimacy and influence regulation.

To conclude, this cross-sector, cross-country study of the SE aimed to provide a multi
faceted account that includes the perspectives and actions of the different stakeholders in the
SE as

co-evolving within a large and constantly moving picture

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