When face meets truth... When is a yes a yes?

12 important questions on When face meets truth... When is a yes a yes?

Regarding to 'face' how could you rephrase this question:
Do you expect any problems?

What possible problems could we encounter?

Face is associated with issues such as:

Respect, honour, status, reputation and competence.

What could you protect when talking about 'face'?

  • Protecting one's own face
  • protecting a relationship
  • protecting our own interests
  • protecting the need for truth
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What are Linear-Active, Multi-Active and Reactive cultures? (LMR model)

  • Linear-Active cultures: people are seen as cool, factual and decisive planners.
  • Multi-Active cultures: people tend to be warm emotional, loquacious and impulsive.
  • Reactive cultures: people are known for being courteous, amiable and accommodating, able to compromise and listen well.

Fill in the blanks in the cultural pyramid:

From the left to the right:
Truth is scientific
Truth is situational/flexible
Truth is negotiable...
Truth is contextual
Truth is a dangerous concept!

What does truth is scientific mean?

Hard facts stand on their own merit. Truth that can be established trough logical systems and is  unalterable.

What does truth is situational mean?

There is no absolute truth, only situations or temporary facts which can both change quickly. One truth may apply to one situation and another truth to another situation.

What does truth is contextual mean?

Facts based on scientific truth do not always correspond to reality. Truth is therefore contextual and in the ear of the listener or the eye of the beholder.

What does truth is negotiable mean?

We choose the truth that will produce the best possible outcome in a given situation.

What does truth is a dangerous concept mean?

Something can be right or wrong, black or white as long as the outcome is virtuous and harmony is preserved. Placing diplomacy before truth may be seen as the right thing to do in many instances. Indeed if we do not choose this course, then progress can be thwarted.

Face sensitive and truth sensitive are 2 total different things, what could they do to come to peace?

  • More sensitivity from truth-sensitive cultures that in face-sensitive cultures there is no "no", just different forms and meaning for the word yes. Face-sensitive cultures will struggle to be direct and show the assertive honest response you are looking for.
  • More sensitivity from face-sensitive cultures about the need for direct, to t he point honesty in truth-sensitive cultures. A show of courage to be more assertive when dealing with truth-sensitive cultures. A knowledge that truth-sensitive cultures can take your feedback and would rather that you tell them directly and honestly what the situation is.

What are the 4 takeaways from when face meets truth?

  1. Face is concerned with people's sense of worth, dignity and identity.
  2. You can give and lose face.
  3. When dealing with face-sensitive cultures:
-Avoid them losing face.
-Remember Sanjay's story. Ask open questions, give people space, use silence, summarise and check their understanding.
-Be sensitive to how uncomfortable the other person/culture can be.
-Try to confront people privately and one to one, rather than publically and in a group setting.
     4. When dealing with truth-sensitive cultures:
-Dare to speak up.
-Have the courage to be more assertive.

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