The institutional frame - the EEAS - the shaping
3 important questions on The institutional frame - the EEAS - the shaping
Why were the initial stages of the EEAS particularly difficult?
What were recommendations from the HR Ashton, directed to the commission and to a lesser extent the parliament?
- A drastic reconsideration of EUSR mandates and roles, in order to integrate them in EEAS
- Make heads of EU delegations the traffic hub through which all instructions and briefings between Brussels and the external offices would be channelled
- Simplify administrative budgets and the management of EU resources, thereby overcoming residual fragmentation and their underlying turf battles
What where the main adjustments to the EEAS as proposed by Mogherini?
- Confirming the two Deputy SGs but adding a third one in charge of economic and global issues
- Setting aside the business-like titles of key functions while streamlining and simplifying the somewhat top-heavy management of the DGs and directors
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