The functional scope - Defence capabilities and industry

4 important questions on The functional scope - Defence capabilities and industry

Although defence capabilities are a vital component of the CSDP, the EU does not have them herself. Where does she get them from to make the CSDP-missions possible?

Member states are responsible for developing, producing and/or procuring and painting capabilities for national operations, coalitions of the willing and/or the EU

Why has progress through the EU on the military component of the CSDP been slow?

Because the capability development occurs on a voluntary basis and national procurement expenditure is still overwhelmingly focused on national programmes

What is one of the key challenges facing the EU defence policy?

How military capability needs can respond to the latest technology trends
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By what has Europe's political and strategic landscape been altered, and is thus a safety thread?

- Russia's actions in Ukraine and elsewhere
- Instability in the Southern neighbourhood

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