Eras and Their Highlights - The Middle Ages: 500 To

3 important questions on Eras and Their Highlights - The Middle Ages: 500 To

How did Charlemagne become Holy Roman Emperor?

Charlemagne, or Charles the Great, became Holy Roman Emperor for his defense of the pope - Pope Leo III - against several nobles. In gratitude for his protection of the church, Leo crowned Charlemagne with the title on Christmas Day  in 800 CE, uch to the chagrin of leaders in Byzantine. The Byzantines were forced to recognize Charlemagne's title and he ruled until his death in 814.

What was the Church's role during the Middle Ages?

Though the Roman Catholic Church became increasingly involved in secular concerns during the Middle Ages (500 to 1.350), it played a much larger part in medieval European life. Missionaries converted many of the Germanic tribes; thus, the church was influential in civilizing these so-called barbarians. Further, churches throughout Europe housed travelers and served as hospitals for the sick. Monasteries and cathedrals became centers of learning.

Why was Otto I crowned emperor?

Pope John XII crowned Otto emperor of the Holy Roman Empire in 962 because Otto had defended the church in several disputes in Europe and northern Italy. The Pope gave Otto the revered title of Augustus. This action resulted in the beginning of a more than 840-year reign of the Holy Roman Empire as a major force in world affairs.

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